Safeguarding at Belmont

The Government* defines safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as:

• providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge

• protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online

• preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development

• ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

• taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

*Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024, Department for Education

At Belmont, staff are committed to creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for all our young people.

Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Clair Veli is our Designated Safeguarding Lead and is supported by the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Ms Rachel Carroll. Ms Jane Ozanne is the Safeguarding link to the Local Advisory Board.

All staff receive regular Child Protection mandatory training and are kept up to date with child protection procedures.



We take very seriously our responsibility to identify where there are child welfare concerns and take action to address them in partnership with other organisations. Early Help is a key part of our safeguarding strategy. Students are given numerous opportunities to consider risk situations and explore strategies for keeping safe, and staff are asked to remain vigilant and report any concerns to the designated teacher or any adult.

If family, friends or other professionals have any concerns they are advised to contact our DSLs via the school office on 01242 216180. In addition, advice and guidance can be sought from the Local Authority Designated Officer by emailing


Safeguarding Policy (Pupil Friendly)

Early Help at Belmont

Support for family and young people is most effective when offered at the earliest or most opportune time. Belmont School’s staff work with numerous agencies to offer help as quickly as possible. Areas where we can help are:

  • links to the School Nursing Service and wider health professionals
  • information to support social inclusion and safeguarding
  • working with charities and trusts to help families going through difficult times whether financial or emotional.

If you would like more information about any of our wider services please contact Rachel Carroll at Belmont or go to the Gloucestershire Family Information Services website (link below).

Important Documents and finding out more

Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 11 - (October 2024)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 10 - (September 2024)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 9 (July 2024) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 9 (June 2024) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 8 (April 2024) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 7 (March 2024) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 7 (March 2024)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 6 (February 2024) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 6 (February 2024)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 5 (January 2024)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 5 (January 2024) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 4 (December 2023)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 4 (December 2023) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 3 (November 2023)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 3 (November 2023) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 2 (October 2023)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 2 (October 2023) audio


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 1 (September 2023)


Safeguarding at Belmont - audio version


Gloucestershire Family Information Services


SAND Academies Trust Safeguarding Policy


Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024


What to do if you are worried a child is being abused


HM Government - Working Together to Safeguard Children


Makaton - Safeguarding


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 12 - (December 2024)


Safeguarding at Belmont - Newsletter 13 - (January 2025)
