Lunchtime at Belmont

A midday meal, cooked on the premises, is available every day at a cost of £2.71.  Students may, if they wish, bring a packed lunch instead. Some parents may qualify for Free School Meals and should apply to the Local Authority at Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester

If a child requires a special diet for medical or religious reasons this can usually be arranged. The school requires sufficient notice to organise an alternative.

The school uses the ParentPay system for parents to pay for their child’s school lunches.

Please contact the school office if you do not yet have a ParentPay account.

School Staff and a Senior Supervisor carry out lunchtime and break time supervision. In addition, some staff have lunch in the dining room, sitting with the children, whilst others encourage children in post-lunch activities.

Lunch Menu - Autumn and Winter 2024


For health reasons we would prefer to see children bringing in a healthy packed lunch or morning snacks, including fruit and vegetables. Fizzy drinks are not regarded as a healthy option and should not be brought to school. Glass bottles can be dangerous and are not allowed in school. During the morning break drinks and healthy snacks can be purchased from the school tuck shop.

Please be aware that we are a strictly no-nuts school due to severe allergies in school. Help us to keep our children safe by ensuring that no nuts of any kind are included in your child’s snacks or packed lunches from home. Thank you for your support with this important issue.