How to Apply

Belmont welcomes visits from parents and carers who are considering Belmont as a suitable school for their child.

Admissions to all Gloucestershire special schools come via Gloucestershire County Council – parents are unable to apply directly to Belmont for a place.

In the first instance, you should discuss a change of school with your current school’s SENCO or headteacher, or at the EHCP review. This request is considered by Gloucestershire Local Education Authority’s SEND panel. The panel will consult with special schools on whether the needs of a child can be met within their setting before making a decision.

Parental preference is always considered by the SEND panel when they are placing a child.

Special educational needs and disability (SEND) including autism | Gloucestershire County Council

We are a small special school (180 pupils) for 4–16-year-olds with class sizes which range between 6-12 pupils.  If parents would like to arrange a visit, they can contact the school on 01242 216180 or complete the contact page on this website. A member of the school office team will look to add you to one of our open day tours. Parents and Carers who may be considering Belmont for their child can also view the extensive information about our school on the About Belmont page via this link  About Belmont – Belmont School

If you need more advice and support, the team will link you with a key stage leader or a senior member of staff who will be able to help with your enquiry.  During the tours our staff can talk to parents regarding their child’s needs but cannot look at the EHCP during this time. Future visits and tours can be arranged if needed.

Please take a look at our Commissioning Brief for further information:

Belmont School Commissioning Brief